Welcome to People Places Planet Podcast, the official podcast of the Environmental Law Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to ensure a healthy environment, prosperous economies, and vibrant communities, founded on the rule of law. 

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Law of the Land: Towards a More Sustainable Food System

From producing food deserts and food swamps to negatively impacting biodiversity and ecosystem health, land use laws have shaped America’s food system for decades. Unf...

Chevron Deference in the Dock: SCOTUS and the Future of Environmental Protection

Good environmental governance has long relied on sound, science-based agency decisionmaking. That fundamental premise may be eroding as a landscape that was stable for...

Enchanted and Endangered: Wetlands Restoration in New Mexico

While often overlooked, wetlands in New Mexico are integral to ecological balance, water filtration, and the local flora and fauna. Maryann McGraw, Wetlands Program Co...

Science to the People: Engaging Communities in Wetlands Restoration

What role can communities play in wetlands restoration? Jess Hua, Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Hua Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison ...

Shoreline Solutions: Public-Private Partnerships for Florida's Wetlands

Wetlands don't distinguish between public and private land. What does that mean for restoration practitioners? Tom Ries, founder of Ecosphere Restoration Institute, is...

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